





Options When Pregnant

So many women make quick pregnancy decisions because of fear and pressure. At ComfortCare Women’s Health, we believe women should be fully educated and equipped with information as they make that decision. Our nurses and advocates are prepared to discuss any option, give you medically accurate facts, and support you as a woman.

Are you thinking about an abortion?

At ComfortCare Women’s Health, we believe you have the right to make a fully informed decision.  We understand it is your decision; it is not our desire to make it for you. It is our desire to give you medically accurate information, while answering your questions + discussing your concerns about the options you are considering.  While we do not perform or refer for abortions, we believe the information you receive will empower you in your decision-making process.

So whether you’re talking about a pill or a procedure, you deserve to stop long enough to ask yourself:

Are you really pregnant and how far along are you?
A home pregnancy test doesn’t confirm you’re pregnant.  The best way to confirm your pregnancy is through ultrasound confirmation and physician review.  As 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage1, it is important to determine if the pregnancy is implanted and growing in the uterus and if a heartbeat can be detected.
How soon can you find out if you're pregnant?

We encourage you to make an appointment once you are 2 weeks past the first day of your missed menstrual period.  One of our clinic locations is open each day, Monday through Saturday, to assist you in confirming your pregnancy as soon as possible.

What type of abortion are you seeking?

Whether you are considering the Abortion Pill or Surgical abortion (First Trimester – Vacuum Aspiration; Second Trimester/Late-Term Abortions – Dilation & Curettage (D&C)), each of these options, as with any medical procedure, comes with complications and risks. Would you obtain any healthcare service without having all of the information? 

Click here to make an appointment for a free abortion info consultation. Whether you’re considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, your nurse will be available to answer your questions and give you medical information at no cost to you.

How much does abortion cost?

The cost of an abortion depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. The only way to determine that with certainty is through an ultrasound. Our services, including ultrasound, are completely free of chargeClick here to make an appointment for a free abortion info consultation.

Have you been tested for STIs in the last month?

The presence of any type of sexually transmitted infection increases your risks of complications, post abortion.  Make an appointment today to receive free, limited STI testing before making your pregnancy decision.

Do you have information related to all of your options?

We don’t just mean do you know all your options.  We mean have you really weighed each option?  Are you educated on how abortion,
parenting, or adoption might affect you? 
When you come to ComfortCare, you will meet with a patient advocate specially trained to talk through all of your options… Parenting. Adoption. Abortion.

Have you considered adoption?

At ComfortCare Women’s Health, we believe you have the right to make a fully informed decision.  We understand it is your decision and it is not our desire to make it for you. It is our desire to give you medically accurate information, while answering your questions + discussing your concerns about the options you are considering.  

If you’re considering adoption, you probably have many questions.

  • Can I choose the family that adopts my baby?
  • Can I have contact with my baby after the adoption?
  • Does the expectant father have any rights?
  • Can I get help with medical and living expenses?

We’re not an adoption agency and don’t gain financially from any adoption decision. We just believe in giving you the information you need to make an informed choice about adoption. Make an appointment for pregnancy confirmation and an adoption information session.

Are you considering parenting?

At ComfortCare Women’s Health, we believe you have the right to make a fully informed decision.  We understand it is your decision and it is not our desire to make it for you. It is our desire to give you medically accurate information while answering your questions and discussing your concerns about the options you are considering.

If you’re considering parenting, you may be asking some of the following questions:

  • How will being a parent affect my life?
  • What resources are available to help me as a parent?
  • I already have children. How can I support another one?

There is a lot of information out there, but at ComfortCare a knowledgeable person listens to your specific situation and helps to answer your questions. It’s personal. It’s factual. It’s about you and your needs. Make an appointment for pregnancy confirmation and information about parenting in your community.

    1 Obstetric and Gynecologic Diagnosis and Treatment Ninth Ed. DeCherney, Alan H, et al, ch24
